I've seen a few of these posts floating around the blogsphere and I always adore reading them! I love getting a nosy peak into the day to day activities of others. Some feature gorgeous photos for each hour, but that just isn't the case for mine. I'm not even close to capable of that. It is, however, a pretty typical peek into a day with Greer as a 7 month old!
6am: I have been making an effort to get up between 5:30-6 most weekday mornings to snag enough time to enjoy a cup of coffee and some blogs before G wakes up. This was one of my favorite pre-baby rituals and even though it doesn't happen nearly as frequently or for as long, I'll take what I can get.

7am: I hear G cry out from here crib, so I go fetch her. I'm lucky in that she sleeps until 6:30ish most mornings and from there will typically play happily with her pacifiers for 30ish more minutes before she wants to get up. I've found that if I got get her before she calls out, she's not as happy. She needs her morning alone time, just like mama! We spend a few moments each enjoying our morning beverages before playing on the floor for a bit.
8am: Crazy as it may sound, G is already down for a nap 1.5 hours after waking. I take this opportunity to clean up from breakfast while taking in a podcast on managing PCOS. I was hoping after my pregnancy that my body might figured itself out, but no...my PCOS symptoms have come back full force after about 6 months postpartum.
9am: G is still napping away, so I use some of the time to squeeze in a quick HIIT workout- an important aspect of managing PCOS and something that I need to make a priority. Jillian Michaels is my go-to gal!
10am: G is up and ready to play. I bring her mattress out to the living room in prep for you 7month photo shoot. The light isn't quite what I want, so I just leave it out for G to play on.
11am: G and I take a quick trip to the grocery store. We were running dangerously low on La Croix. A bunch of tulips ended up in my cart as well. With this 70 degree weather in February...I couldn't help it!
12pm: G is back down for another nap, so I used this time to get some computer work done including making a call to insurance (woof) and adding my name to the wait list for a couple of library books.
1pm: G is still snoozing! I'll take it! I spend this time tidying the rest of the house. I adore a clean house. I had so many people tell me that I would have to learn to live with a messy house once children came along. I haven't found this to be the case at all. Austin's and my two tricks include seriously limiting the amount of baby items we have (I'm pretty sure some of our friends/family think that Greer has no toys) and doing a daily tidy. Austin is a huge help with this, so it doesn't fall all on me, especially on days that I have to work.
2pm: I spent a good 30 minutes desperately trying to capture a photo of Greer laying on her mattress for her 7 month picture and hardly got any I liked. I got a lot of cute out takes of her sitting up, though, so...there's that.
3pm: Enter the witching hours. At some point during the photos, Greer slipped into a bit of a mood. Sometimes a change of scenery helps things out, so we took a trip to our local thrift store in search of new duds for G. Always looking for cute, affordable clothes..double points if I can find pricey brands second hand! Today we found nothing and the outing didn't do much for Greer's mood, as evidenced by the photo below.
4pm: Dad is home from his rotation! Hallelujah! We take advantage of the incredible weather and head out for a walk through College Hill. We somehow managed to land a rental home right across from a park in one of the more desirable neighborhoods in Wichita. It will be so hard to leave this home in a few months. It's been a great place for us these past four years.
5pm: Our walk crossed into the five o'clock hour and we took advantage of the empty swings on the playground. Swinging is a new favorite activity for Greer! Bad mood be gone when you've got your dad, gorgeous weather, and a swing!
6pm: More outdoor activities! Greer and I sat out on the deck and watched Austin grill up some chicken for dinner! G eventually had her bottle, while Austin and I cracked open an adult bottle of our own.
7pm: Baby is in bed! So thankful we have a good sleeper! She is absolutely ruining us for future kiddos. She is asleep anytime between 6 and 7pm and generally sleeps for 12-13 hours. Praise! Now that Greer is off to dreamland, Austin and I enjoy our dinner and wine on the back deck as the sun sets. Afterward we made our way inside for a couple of episodes of Fixer Upper before hitting the hay! All in all, a day I'm happy to remember!
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